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Pumpkin Seeds (Tokhme Kadoo)

Weight: 125 grams

Usage: Nuts, Salads, Dips, Cookies, Breads


Pumpkin Seeds are a type of nut seed that, despite their small size, is a good source of nutrients. This type of nut seeds are roasted. In the roasting nuts process, seeds are dried and cooked by using direct heat and without using oil and water (as heat transfer agents). High-quality nut seeds contain softer skin, and as soon as you touch them, you will feel a little fat under your hand. Pumpkin Seeds’ price depends on their type, size, and quality. To buy Pumpkin Seeds, pay attention to the quality of the seeds and the brand credibility you buy from.

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Pumpkin Seeds have always been popular among different people and cultures. These seeds are rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, folate, and vitamin A, each of which has a special role in the health of our body. A large part of the Pumpkin Seeds‘ properties is due to the presence of large amounts of antioxidants such as carotenoids and vitamin E. Antioxidants protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals by reducing inflammation. This type of nut is a good source of iron and can be a good substitute for meat for vegetarians. These seeds are rich in protein and fiber, both of which slow the absorption of sugar into the blood circulation and lower blood sugar levels naturally. By consuming this type of nut seeds, the risk of diabetes is reduced. 100 grams of these seeds provide about 10% of our daily need for minerals.

The healthy fats in Pumpkin Seeds can increase the body’s metabolism and prevent osteoporosis. These seeds can maintain the balance of hormones and also reduce your appetite and as a result, lose weight. Eating a handful of pumpkin seeds in the morning on an empty stomach can be good for weight loss. Since these delicious seeds are affordable and always available, it is suggested to include them in your diet and enjoy their health benefits.

Weight 0.125 kg

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