Dried Limes (Iranian)

Weight: 130 grams

Usage: Seasoning, Natural dried Lime, Herbal Teas, Syrup


Dried Limes (Iranian) are a very useful and special dried fruit that has many uses. Due to its sour taste, this type of lime is used as a seasoning in foods to add flavor and makes the food tasty and aromatic. Dried Limes (Iranian) are prepared from small or large sour limes, and during the drying process, it turns from greenish-yellow to dark brown. Usually, the colour of dry sun lime is light brown and black inside. Dried lime has the same properties compared to sour lime. After drying, 70-80% of its properties remain, except for vitamin C, which is more in fresh lime.

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Dried Limes (Iranian) are a sour seasoning. They are used in cooking many Persian dishes and herbal teas. Its powder is used as a spice and you can easily add its powder to your food and get the taste of lime. One of the main properties of dried limes is the presence of many antioxidant substances in this fruit, which helps to prevent cancer and strengthen the body’s immune system. Adding Dried Limes (Iranian) to food and acidifying it helps to increase the absorption of food iron by the body.

Consuming Bartar Dried Limes (Iranian) with Borage is one of the well-known herbal teas in traditional medicine that has a calming effect. Also, the use of this herbal tea prevents an increase in blood concentration and blood pressure. Dried limes become a bit bitter when drying due to the fermentation process, and this bitterness is also felt in their taste. Therefore, it is better to remove the core before adding it to the food to prevent the food from becoming bitter. It is better to use the required amount of dried limes when preparing all kinds of stews and dishes to minimize the use of salt in food. Dried limes should be stored in a dry, cool place and closed containers, away from light.

Weight 0.130 kg
  1. Hello, I bought this limo amani from here and the the quality is remarkable. It’s well worth the money. I highly recommend it.

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  2. one of the best

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