
Dried Black Plums (Baraqani)

Weight: 250 grams

Usage: Dried Fruit, Nuts, Natural Snacks, Stews, Sauces, Smoothies


Dried fruits are high in calcium and phosphorus and are recommended as snacks because they are Iron-Rich. Dried fruit generally is known as one of the healthiest and most nutritious snacks. In dried fruits, most of their juice and moisture content of fruit is removed by dehydration by natural (sun drying) or industrial methods. These snacks are high in calories and have more sugar compared to fresh fruits. A piece of dried fruit has the same amount of nutrients as a fresh fruit but in impact of size and shape. Dried plum is one of the most popular dried fruits, which has many fans because of its different and excellent taste.

Original price was: £4.92.Current price is: £1.99.
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Dried Black Plums (Baraqani) are not only a special, different, and delicious fruit, but it is rich in nutrients, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamin C are all abundantly found in its organic dried fruits.  The sugar in it is slowly absorbed in the body and as a result, it is useful for diabetic patients. Dried Black Plums (Baraqani) reduce the risk of many chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease. This dried fruit is extremely healthy, fat-free, and tasty and is perfect for a healthy and delicious snack.

Consuming Dried Black Plums (Baraqani) can keep you full for hours and stop your false appetite; so it helps you get fit and lose weight. Just by consuming four Bartar dried plums per day, one-third of your daily need for vitamin K, fiber, and potassium will be provided. One of the most important reasons for its consumption is to improve digestive health, keep the heart healthy, strengthen bones and joints, lose weight, and manage blood sugar. Bartar Dried Black Plums (Baraqani) are rich in iron and also contain vitamin C, which helps in the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, its use is recommended for people with anemia.

Weight 0.250 kg
  1. I didnt think I can find Aloo Baraghani in England. Toranjin was that one. Your tteam is the best. Your support in English and Farsi is the best.
    Thanks so much

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  2. one of the best snack I have tried so far. Thanks Toranjin for fast delivery

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