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Garlic Powder

Weight: 75 grams

Usage: Spice, Salads, Stews, Sauces, Meat and Vegetable Meals, Ketchup


Garlic Powder is one of the popular spices that gives a special taste to different types of foods. Garlic has many properties, but it is not available in all seasons, so it is better to have this powder in all kitchens. One of the main properties of garlic powder is that it can be added to food at any time of cooking; but if you want your food to have more flavor from this powder, it is better to fry it with a small amount of oil and add it to the food at start cooking. In this method, a special flavor and aroma is added to your food.

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Garlic Powder makes food taste better and gives a pleasant flavor to dishes. This powder is made from dried garlic and has a longer shelf life than fresh garlic, and it can be stored for a long time without losing its essential ingredients. One of the advantages of this powder compared to fresh garlic is that the aroma of this powder is much milder than fresh garlic. Although this powder has high nutritional value, it does not produce many calories. Bartar powder of garlic also has large amounts of vitamin C, iron, calcium, fiber, and protein, and a small amount of sodium, and sugar in its composition. This spice has antioxidants and organic compounds such as allicin, which have many benefits for the body.

Garlic powder helps in better digestion of food. It reduces inflammation, prevents cancer risk, and boosts the immune system. Consuming this type of seasoning reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. This spice is a kind of natural antibiotic and it can increase the body’s resistance and tolerance against various infections and diseases. If you are one of those who are bothered by the smell of garlic and it is difficult for you to consume raw garlic, you can replace it with a powder of garlic to use its unique properties for body health.

Weight 0.75 kg
  1. very delicious.

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