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Currant Raisin (Keshmesh Poloee)

Weight: 450 grams

Usage: Dried Fruit, Natural Dry Fruit Snack, Pastries, Cakes, Cookies


Dried fruits are a good source of fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and essential vitamins. These fruits are usually eaten together with nuts as a snack. Juice and moisture of fresh fruits are often taken in both natural and industrial ways, but vitamins and nutrients are preserved in these fruits. Dried fruits are easy to store, light in weight, and have a long shelf life. Also, due to the presence of iron, calcium, zinc, and phosphorus, they are considered one of the nutritious and healthy snacks. Strengthening the immune system, boosting circulation, maintaining digestive health, improving hair and skin health, and keeping bones healthy are their benefits.

Original price was: £5.07.Current price is: £1.99.
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Currant Raisin is one of the fruits that belong to the category of dried fruits and is one of the useful snacks that can be used throughout the year. This unique and delicious dried fruit is one of the best snacks for children. Currant Raisin is the same dried grape and it has different types. When the grapes are dried and turned into Currant Raisins, they turn into different colours such as black, gold, green, and red. The brown varieties of this dry fruit are used in rice. Raisins with various colours are used as a flavoring in cakes, cookies, puddings, and desserts.

Currant Raisin – Bartar is high in nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins C and B along with minerals needed by the body such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, and potassium. In addition to maintaining the health and immunity of the body, this food is also considered a rich source of energy.  The natural sugar in it makes the blood insulin in balance and this helps to manage diabetes in people. You can include it in your diet to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Raisins are a rich source of fiber, whose daily consumption makes you feel full and thus leads to weight loss. Also, people who are overweight can use raisins, which are one of the unique and delicious dried fruits, instead of consuming sugar and high-calorie and sweet snacks.

Weight 0.450 kg
  1. The best Keshmesh in market

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